Sunday, 4 September 2011

Victoria's Abstract Art

Victoria Richards, a good friend of mine, decided a while ago she would blog her hobby, which is painting abstract canvases. She studies Medical Sciences and will be in her second year soon, she's very smart and witty!
Recently she has also decided to set up shop, and asked me to help make her banners, please check her blog and shop out! She never painted so much before, so I'm fully supporting her! It's ironic that she makes more money in art than I do hahaha.

Perhaps I should make myself a nice banner too, my blog is looking a bit plain! I never got around to doing it since I thought it was better being plain, but now that I've seen what I can do with Vikky's banners, it's got me thinking. How very silly indeed.


  1. Ah, thank you so much, Gem! You've been a great help! XD

  2. @Victoria Richards
    No problem vic, try out your new reply button, it should work now. :)
